Cheers to Sensory Play!!

Good morning, 

Baby and I are on a staycation here at home. Our lovely daycare has closed for a week for some much needed self care time. We love self care and healthy environments, so we are in full support. 

Here at home, I have to keep baby busy with learning, love, and stimulation. Quick side note, he is now 13months!! This is a fun time, because I can see the light bulb going off more often. His understanding of things is evolving. That being said, activities such as, sensory play are more interactive and amusing than they were before. His laughter fills the house with sweet music; the light in his eyes when he touches or hears things for the first time, brightens up the space with a different kind of sunshine. 

To now see more interaction from him. I would like to say, parents, don't get discouraged if your baby does not get it right away or you feel that the activity is not interesting to them. Give it more time. I feel we as parents are constantly checking in with other parents as to where our babies are on this spectrum (at least in the early stages). This is a normal, however try not to get to caught up in the comparison. We all, even adults, learn at different rates. 

Continue to incorporate these activies, also toys you feel they don't understand yet. With more practice and demonstrations they will be on to it in no time.  

Cheers to this stage of parenting!!! Now go light a candle. 

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